RUTH SLATER 2nd June 2012

Daddy you're back!!!!!! Thank goodness for that. My little life line to you disappeared for a while there, don't do that again please! So much to tell you it is ridiculous. Harv, Lu and I went to Matalan yesterday. Harv found this little straw hat and said, 'just like Grandads!' He tried on a few hats and I said to choose one, he said 'Grandad chose me this one,' holding the little straw one. He asked if you were going to be gone long. How do you explain? He asked when they will fix your head, another toughie. I just wanted you to know, that you are thought about and missed everyday, not just by me, but by your grandchildren that love you so much. Lucy said she felt your hand on her shoulder the other night. She knew it was you cos 'it was grandads big hand'. I love you daddy. It is now just over 6 months since our last cuddle. I miss those cuddles. I miss you. I will be back soon. xxxxx