RUTH SLATER 29th January 2016

Hi daddy. What you doing? The kiddies have been talking about you a lot lately. Missing you always. Harvey is going to be really happy when he gets home. He has been doing violin lessons at school, and he really loves them, so I ordered him a 1/2 size violin that arrived today. It is just a cheap one, to see if his love for it continues. He has had me looking for violin tutors already. I think I found one. We will have to wait and see. Lucy is growing fast. Becoming a real young lady. You would be having a fit I think. We don't like them growing up too much do we? As for Corey, well, he is Corey. Love him to bits, and he makes me laugh, I can only hope things come together a bit more soon. Still waiting to see what he has decided about furthering his college career. Any way. I am sure you must know all this already. Looking down on us aren't you? I miss you, so very much. The sadness still comes so completely sometimes. I will be walking the dog and just start crying cos I am remembering holding your hand for the last time and not wanting to let you go. Nearly time for work. On a shallow note, when are you going to help us win the lottery hey? Ha ha, love you daddy. Talk again soon. Xxx